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BELIEVE IN DR. DAVE, A loyal Green progressive. Fund the cause & fund the campaign today: We cannot do it without you. Politics is never a solitary vision, or a game of solitaire. It is, rather, required we proceed prudently and pragmatically as chess grandmasters. Make the right move. Help us pay the bills, and make the evildoers of the status quo pay in every way, every day. PEACE

Total # of Donors: 249 Aggregate Cash: $2,296..


to this Congressional Campaign

& Dr. Dave's bold Write-In bid:


There's an old saying, every army marches on its stomach.


That is, it uses food for 'fuel' and thus keeps right on going in marching and claiming further terrain. Without the food, there is no forward progress and, indeed, no army.

Any political campaign is the same way.

It is fueled by -- and marches on -- its money. No campaign can survive without it. So, forgive me for the following rather mercenary pitch:

ALL DONATIONS may be sent via the standard PayPal platform simply by clicking-on the "Send Money to Friends and Family" icon. The exact e-mail address for transmission and receipt is: 

An immediate e-Receipt will follow to your own e-mail, and rest assured every last red cent contributed (even one dollar) will go directly toward travel, phone, advertising, organizing, and general office expenses. A political campaign is very expensive to run, especially at the Congressional level, and we humbly at this time ask for your assistance & partnership. Together we can change the world.


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